
Personalization and targeted marketing is the model of most successful online marketers are doing in this MobileAGE. In order to do this, we need to manage our customer diligently. In fact, we need to evaluate the behavior and conversion pattern of the customers in order to optimize the success or gain more return-on-Investment. Adams is very experienced in this area as we believe understanding the customer behavior is the key to success.

Content & Engagement

Mobile Media Engagement

Instagram, WeChat are probably the two fastest growing trend in the landscape of Mobile Media. It is both about contents and engagement. Good contents do not guaranteed success but it is the first step. You need a good strategy to engage and encourage your target audience to participate in order to grow with success. There are tools available in the market to help doing so with lesser hazards.

e-Mail Campaign Platform

Choosing a right platform for e-Mail Campaigns is the primary success factor for a good Customer Management. With a good tool or platform, you can even design Smart e-Mails from the contents of your websites, facebook wall posts, blogs and etc. Segmentations based on the conversion results can really enhance your future success riding the previous successes.